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Unique Identification Number (UIN)

In order to maintain a traceable link for each trade and transaction, executed in the stock market, NCCPL provides a centralized mechanism for the registration of investors in NCSS by assigning UIN.

Clients of Members are categorized in the following manner:

  1. Individual Pakistani Citizen
  2. Individual Foreigner/overseas Pakistani citizens/Non-Pakistani residing in Pakistan
  3. Non-individuals
    • Corporate/individual - Broker
    • Corporate – Company
    • Corporate – fund/other organization

All registered UINs are provided to the stock exchange by NCCPL and stock exchanges link up the UINs with the trading systems at their end and it is mandatory for the Members to enter client code / ID having such UIN while placing any order in the trading system. The trading systems of the stock exchanges verify the client code / ID with the UIN registration details on Pre-trade basis and reject any order failing this validation.

Benefits of UIN Implementation

  1. Enable Members to register their clients by assigning unique code to manage their business efficiently and effectively.
  2. Provide Traceable Links for all Trades and Transactions executed in the Capital Market of Pakistan.
  3. Provide great relief and facilitation in monitoring compliance and surveillance of relevant Rules and Regulations by the Apex and Front Line Regulators.
  4. Provides facilitation to the stock exchange to implement effective risk management measures.
  5. Provide facilitation to various Govt. Agencies in investigation and inquiries.
  6. Provides great relief to the market participants to synchronize their Back Office records.
  7. Provides facilitation to the Central Depository Company (“CDC”) to create a logical linkage between CDS Account Holders and Investors.
  8. Provides facilitation to the Mercantile Exchange for the registration of Commodities Investors.
  9. Provides effective control over Pledging of Securities with the Banks by Market Participants.
  10. Bring very useful information for the Capital Market of Pakistan by disclosing Foreign and Local Investors Portfolio on a daily basis, commonly known as “FIPI” and “LIPI”.
  11. Without having UIN Functionality “Automation of Securities Settlement” mechanism could not be implemented.
  12. Without having UIN Functionality “Client Level Margining System” could not be implemented at the stock exchange.

UIN Statistics

Total UINs Registered during JULY 2024 - DECEMBER 2024
MonthTotal UINsOnline ProcessNormal Process
JUL-24 8,776 7,579 1,197
AUG-24 8,930 7,653 1,277
SEP-24 8,561 7,386 1,175
OCT-24 10,001 7,943 2,058
NOV-24 10,464 8,258 2,206
DEC-24 15,130 13,381 1,749

Total UIN Registered in NCCPL (with Active Trading Account) Statistics
Sr. #UIN TYPEActive UIN as at NOVEMBER 30, 2024UIN opened during DECEMBER 2024UIN closed during DECEMBER 2024Converted to RDA during DECEMBER 2024Active UIN as of DECEMBER 31, 2024
1 Individuals 317,190 7,525 -396 - 324,319
2 Corporate Companies 1,858 8 -4 - 1,862
3 Broker Clearing Members 199 0 -1 - 198
4 Fund /Others 1,316 5 -1 - 1,320
5 Foreigner Individuals 16,392 226 -15 (70) 16,533
6 RDA/NRPs 12,874 246 (3) 70 13,187
Total UIN Registered349,8298,010(420)-357,419

"UIN Registration status (Active Trading Accounts) for the month of DECEMBER-2024"
DescriptionNos. of UINs
"CKO Investors""NON-CKO Investors"RDATotal
UINs as at 01-DECEMBER-2024 207,386 129,644 12,799 349,829
New UINs registered during the month 7,764 - 246 8,010
Existing investors registered in CKO regime / RDA during the month 640 - 70 710
Total UINs registered in CKO regime / RDA 8,404 - 316 8,720
UINs closed during the month (235) (182) (3) (420)
Inclusion of Non-CKO UINs in CKO regime / RDA - (710) - (710)
UINs as at 31-DECEMBER-2024215,555128,75213,112357,419
"Geographical breakdown of Investors registered in CKO Regime (Active Trading Account) for the month of DECEMBER-2024 "
LocationNos. UINs
Karachi 2,489
Lahore 1,309
Islamabad 667
Other Cities 3,939
Total UINs 8,404
RDA 316
Grand Total8,720
"Mode of registration of Investors in CKO Regime (Active Trading Accounts) for the month of DECEMBER-2024"
Mode of RegistrationNos. of UINs
CKO Online 6,687
CKO Physical 964
CKO Shared KYC-Wallet 753
CKO Shared KYC -CDC 0
Total CKO 8,404
RDA 316
Grand Total8,720
"Manner of registration of Investors in CKO Regime (Active Trading Accounts) for the month of DECEMBER-2024 "
Manner of RegistrationNos. of UINs
Normal-CKO 6,021
Sahulat-CKO 2,383
Total CKO 8,404
RDA 316
Grand Total8,720

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